Monday, March 5, 2012

A post about my best friend.

I love to call Derek "Mother Teresa". Sometimes I say it jokingly, sometimes I say it out of spite. I've said it when he doesn't let me sneak a recycleable bottle into the trash "just this once". I've said it when he's not an aggressive enough driver for my liking. But for all the times I say it, I don't think that I tell him enough how incredibly lucky I feel to have such a kind hearted man to call my own. Of his many wonderful qualities, his kindness is what I love most about him.

Kind feels like an inadequate description. He is so thoroughly and deeply GOOD. Not only is he good to me, but he is good to everyone he meets. He is good when it's not convienient and he is good when no one is looking. He never passes judgement. He is absolutely selfless. I have never in 8 years seen him turn a blind eye to someone in need or to a situation that wasn't just. That brings me to the reason that I was motivated to write this post.

As we were walking Kaiah the other day, one topic lead to another, and Derek casually mentioned that he has been packing extra snacks in his bag on the days that he works in the city. He gives them to the homeless people he sees, who he said are usually surprised and very grateful. He told me this so casually, not seeking any praise. So I did what any normal person would do. I cried. I felt so overwhelmed with pride and love for this man. I think he thought that I had finally lost my marbles, because of course he thought nothing special of his actions.

I feel so lucky to have met Derek when I did. He is the man of my dreams and I am so glad I didn't have to spend another second without him.

1 comment:

  1. Love this...well written and beautiful~

    You guys are awesome good luck to your bright future!



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